Navidad es una época para celebrar la vida✌️❤️, difundir el amor y sembrar esperanza.

Sugerencias de regalos para

 esta Navidad:

A tu enemigo, el perdón.

Para un oponente, tolerancia.

A un amigo, tu corazón.

Para un cliente, el servicio.

A todos, la caridad.

Para cada niño, un buen ejemplo.

A ti mismo, respeto.

1 comentario:

  1. Players are given power to draw an additional cards so as expand their hands worth. A hand with an ace is valued 11 and is termed as delicate the rationale that|given that}, the hand will not smashed by taking an additional card. Have a player reduce the deck by inserting a "reduce" card into the deck. The 우리카지노 reduce should not be reduce too close to both finish of the deck.
